segunda-feira, março 09, 2015

New Years Letter

Barros Family Update

January, 2015

I say to the Lord: “you are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing” Psalms 16:1

The year of 2014 brought so many good things. We consider ourselves a blessed family and a privilege to be able to serve the Lord full time. He alone is our portion and our cup, He makes our lot secure! Psalms 16:5

We have been married for two years now and last May we found out Tati was pregnant. We are now eagerly anticipating the expected arrival of our second son, Isaac, in early February.  In July Tati had a slight placenta detachment.  We were  very worried and sad.  But we chose to trust in the Lord and our prayer was that this baby belongs to Him along with all we have.  If He wanted to take him back, we would still praise Him. Isaac’s due date is February 4th!  Praise God!

Our son Victor just turned 17 and God has opened an incredible door for him to prepare for his working adult life! A person that we don’t even know made it possible for Victor and it is a great miracle. His company will sponsor Victor for two years to study in one of the best industrial schools in Brazil, which develops a wide range of vocational training programs.

Victor will be taking industrial mechanics classes and he will have benefits of a regular company employee. He started his classes this week.  Praise God!

Wellington accomplished one more stage in his seminary! It was a hard semester, full of assignments and papers to write. There are four semesters left.

Wellington enjoys Brazilian jiu jitsu in his spare time. For him, it is a time to relax and restore his energy. He got third place in a local fight academies championship!  Unfortunately, his class times weren’t working according to his spare time due to our different ministry activities and he had to stop for the time being.  He will try to go back this year.

 Last year we changed a little bit our ministry outreach strategy focusing more on small groups with the kids. The number of children that attend our main program named Agita (outdoor program in the heart of the slums) decreased as the children adapted to our new schedule. Slowly they got used to and joined our small groups. We believe it is the right way to go: making disciples, teaching these kids about salvation and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in a more relational way.

Wellington is working to build relationships with his kids. He did a couple field trips with his groups from Iguatemi and Sapopemba. They went to parks and pools, we brought them over for pizza and movie a couple evenings. They have a social media group through an app where they talk everyday, share prayers requests, struggles and pray for one another.  Isn’t that cute?!  Praise the Lord!

Our English School Pilot Project led by Tati is doing well. Fifty-six students graduated from one more course level!  We teach all subjects in the textbooks from a biblical worldview, using the Bible to teach that salvation is in Jesus Christ alone and inviting the students to follow the path of Jesus Christ. We are able to charge a fair fee and there is a waiting list to enroll in our classes. We are helping support RM operations monthly with a small amount for now. We have had three teenagers from the RM community as teacher’s assistants. We have six scholarship students from the RM community.  Praise the Lord!

Prayer Requests

Safe, natural childbirth for Isaac and Tati. In Brazil it is part of our culture to have Cesarean sections, more than medically necessary. The doctors make more money and mothers don’t have much say in the delivery room.

Energy and strengh for this new year and all it is bringing. Please pray for our marriage and family,  Tati learning how to be a brand new mom, Victor’s training process, one more semester of seminary for Wellington, organize effectively our time to renew our energies, for children we reach to follow Christ as Lord and Savior, for the city process to properly zone the area where our land is and resources for our plans there.

We also would like to ask prayer for Wellington's dad, Jorge. Last week he was hospitalized with failing kidney complications and he is going to do dialysis.  Please remember him and the family in prayer as he enters this new season of treatment.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen!” Philipppians 4:19
Thanks for taking your time to read and pray for us!

Wellington, Tati, Victor and Isaac Barros

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