Hi!! Maybe you have wondered why I say “Tati’s time”??? Let me explain. In the summer of 2010, we were hosting a short term trip from Oak Hills with Pastor David Holcomb. Since I am so short and look more like one of the kids, David (being really tall and loud) starting catching everyone’s attention for me by singing “It’s Tati Time!” LOL Now that I have your attention, enjoy my newsletter!!!
It’s been 5 months I’m in the USA and I’m getting ready to go back home!!! God’s doing amazing things among the youth at our church, Pastor Heider Quintino, who has been attending our church for about one year is being used by God in amazing ways to reach those young ones. Pastor Heider is co leading our youth choir with Michael Pupo while Wellington is gone and building strong relationships with them. As a result of his dedication many of them are on fire for God and getting involved in leadership training, discipleship and evangelism! Praise God!
Although I am sad to be missing all the exciting things happening at home, I can see that God is growing me so much in this time away. He is using this time to shape me in certain areas of my life that being here have allowed me to see and work on with Christ. Thank you Lord for being so gracious to me!
Life is busy here, just like at home but in a different way. Raising support takes a lot of effort and the results take a long time to see, adding to that my own personal prob-lems and it gives space to worry. I’m learning to live by Prov 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes.
Sometimes, unless a big thing happens we don’t feel God is moving, we lean on our own understanding and trust what we “think” we are seeing...But check out what I learned: “There are times when there is no illumination and no thrill, but just the daily round, the common task. Routine is God's way of saving us between our times of inspiration. Do not expect God always to give you His thrilling minutes, but learn to live in the domain of drudgery by the power of God.” Oswald Chambers.
He is taking care of every little and big thing! He is the crea-tor, worthy to be praised! I’ve learned more than ever if I seek His face He will move in amazing ways that I didn’t know…. While I was busy with details He raised my support to 59% in May and He has brought me to 73% last month!!! At the same time He has also been working out vital aspects of our relationship! I didn’t real-ize how many BIG things God has been doing until I came to the place of worshiping Him and Him alone for who He is, not for what He is doing for me. When I do this I don’t give space to worry but in-stead sing a newsong to the Lord!!!
Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For
great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD
endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117:1
Prayer Requests...
. Please continue to pray for my mom, Adesia.
found problems with her
thyroid. She is taking med
icines to see if it correct
this. Also she has had back
problems for a long time
and she might need to
have surgery because it’s
not healing.
. For all the 600 children
we work with, for God to
break their chains in Jesus!
. Again, that God would
continue to draw me closer
to Him through my last
month in the USA and forev
For people and churches
respond to the Holy Spirit
as He touches them to part
ner with us!
Thank you a lot!!! God bless you,