sexta-feira, dezembro 23, 2011

Blessed Christmas!!!

Christmas is almost over, at least for me. Feel like task is completed, we had 4 Christmas lunches in 3 different areas where Restoration Ministries works in. There was 450 children sponsored, about 300 sponsors who had an oportunity to practice God's generosity and love, giving one set of clothing, shoes and one toy for each child. There was about 70 volunteers, a short team from Corvallis, OR and Pastor Tony from New Zeland, all those people serving by cooking, cleaning up, sorting out presents, seting up the eating area, decorating, leading small groups and having a good time with our precious children. 
We repeated the same program in all 4 lunches. Sang fun songs, had them seated in tables according with their ages, led short bible lesson related with Christmas and the skit Corvallis team did, about the 3 trees who dreamed of growing taller and taller so they could be closer to God and bear good fruits to feed the people and animals God had created.
For me, the highlight was see our volunteers seating at tables with a group of children, sharing about why Jesus was born and why those trees in the skit ended up not being used as they dreamed, instead they served as a manger, fishing boat and cross. It was a beautiful fellowship time with the kids, at got a chance to do that at Promorar Lunch, on Thrusday, Dec 15th.
I did it once cause I was helping organizing all that!  It was a lot of work, a lot prep, hours of planing, computer work, telephone calls, filed trips, meetings, shoping, etc.. On top of that, as I shared in my last post, we all have problems and struggles, churches and ministries are formed by people, and we are not different BUT as Corvallis team thought the kids:  Even though the trees were cut down and did not serve God in exactlythe ways they had imagined, God helped their hopes come true in even bigger ways. The same is true for us. If we follow God's path, even though it may be different from our own, we will travel far beyond even our greates dreams! God sees far beyond than us!
There were beautiful fruits past week that we were able to see and enjoy them but I believe there was many fruits that only the Holy Spirit witnessed, our battle isn't against flesh... Jesus was born on Christmas time, died and rose again, He overcame this battle and all we have to do is to wait until He rises in the clouds and take us to better place that no eyes has seen or ears heard, the things Jesus has prepared for those who wait in Him. Doesn't matter how long things takes, how bad circunstances can be, all the hard work we got to do, IN Jesus, the outcome is better them we can possible imagine, down here in Earth or in our future home with our Creator!
We did all this Christmas events counting on God's grace and it was wonderful time! Thanks for all of you who supported us in prayer!
As we say in Brazil: Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Yea!)
In His Service, Tati
Down bellow are picture of one of the Christmas Lunch, at Promorar, on Dec 15th - 145 kids!
On the way to Promorar, a lots of gifts on those black bags and people were all underneath those! 

Setting up the place, we used a community center.

The same place, full of kids!!

Wellington and his dance team!!

The tree skit I mentioned!

Small group talks, it was kinda loud but it worked!!!

Praying before the meal and thanking Jesus for born and rise again!

Pastor William also led one group, we all got to serve the kids and have lunch with them!!!

Michael, praying with his group!

So delicious!!! Rice, farofa (seasoned with calabresa sausage and bacon), chicken and salad!

Getting presents time!! On The left, Paula, she graduate English with me couple years ago, and volunteered to help us out!

It was awesome, giving each child their present, hugging and kissing them and saying: "You are getting this present today, but the best gift ever already was given to you, Jesus!" all the volunteers did the same as they gave out presents!


Cleaning up!!!

domingo, dezembro 04, 2011

Yes, Spiritual Battle do Exist!

Hello Friends!
Life isn't easy, is it? Bible never said it would be. So, ministry isn't easy as well, just as life. Paul says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms:. Ephesians 6:12. 
When we go to those slums to do children's program, we are invading the enemy territory, a place that once was described as "the devil playground" by an American pastor who visited our church in Promorar and saw a big line to buy drugs. As we go in to bring light to those good people who lives there and are kept captive by the powers of this dark world, the same dark powers raises against us. 
It doesn't happen just because we are doing ministry, it happens because Jesus is our savior and in Him we find salvation, in Him we are light to the world. The devil DO NOT want no one to find salvation in Jesus and be light.
Either we are lawyers, doctors, missionaries, volunteers, moms and dads, before being someone or something in the society, we have an identity in Christ, we are christians and devil will make whatever he can to stop us to live fulfilling life with Jesus. So...pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. Ephesians 6:18
Just as in life, problems and devil tricks happens in ministry. Please pray for Restoration Ministries, as we go in those dark places, devil raises against the minsitry, our lives and our families. Be aware of enemy tentatives in your and your family life and pray against it!!!

Life isn't easy, when we pray God does what we can't do to make our lives better and meanful...

Little Graziele, we've been taking hundreds of pictures from kids who come to Agita (our children's program) to include in the card that goes for each Christmas sponsor! 

Some of the kids I do bible study with,  at their house.  I'm also teaching English for them  after bible study. Please pray for them to be able to learn and keep English, they are slower in learning things...learning English will give them better jobs in the future! This is Tauane, Christna and Marcelo. Flavia comes once in a while, she is always cleaning the house for her mom and hasn't attended bible study that often. Tatiane (15) got pregnant and isn't attendending frequently as well. I included a new girl, Amanda (marcelo's sister, she isn't in this picture).

Pedro, he is Tatuane (picture above) brother. As I do bible study in his home, he is also exposed to the gospel, and his family as well. He will be one of the 440 kids to get a Christams gift. We have developed a strong relationship with his family.

Couple weeks ago, the "Chinese Church", who partner with us in many RM events did a celebration with us, invited RM for a BBQ to celebrate this friendship that came from the partnership with their church! It was a good time! Doing ministry for Jesus has connected people from everywhere, from USA to Brazil, from China to East of Sao Paulo (known as the ghetto area) even if the "chinese are within the same city"! God is Great and He is the one doing everything, we, as body of Christ, just have to get together, do and celebrate!!!

God bless you!

segunda-feira, novembro 21, 2011

Last Prayer Request Update!

Hello Friends! Updates from my last prayer requests post!
Hip Hop Events: We had couple events with our hip hop group and brother Jack from SAC. Two of those events were secular and they invited us, Christians, to join them, we were free to share the gospel and we did. At one of them, most of the famous national wide knowned rappers were on stage and they payed very careful attention when Jack shared. People appreciated our hip hop group, reconizing their music. Recently our group added couple new people and decided to change their vision, they want to go outside of the church walls and reach out people out there through hip hop.  It was their first event outside of church, and they did very good, their lyrics really talks about the reality their public goes through and brings the answer..Jesus! Please keep pray for them, they are called "Cartel SP".
Hip hop is one of the languages within culture of the people we work with. It´s part of their being, their stories, what a blessing be able to use what is part of them to tell them who they are, who they belong to and what they are on Earth for: to praise God! We have used this music style as a tool to do missions, to take the gospel through a language they can hear and understand very well!
Christmas Sharing: Thanks for your prayers!!! We have gotten sponsors to give a Christmas gift for 416 children!  Now, we have to get all of those gifts and organize ourselves to pass them out in three Christmas celebrations in different communities we work with. Our church and a partner church ISP - "Chinese Church" are working together to have a big celebration with them. A short team from Corvallis - OR is coming to help us out!
Usually, where our kids live, Christmas means time to get the family together, to have fun and get drunk. We want to have kids sitting at a beautiful Christmas table and have a meal with loving christians sharing a special moment, have a small discussion on the table about Christmas real meaning and after they are done get their gifts! Please, pray for the organization those 3 big outreaches, for the people and kids involved, for energy and everything go smooth!
Downbellow are pictures!
God bless you! Tati

Nov15th - Cartel SP (hip hop group). Some of the guys are from our church and three others from a different church.

Nov 15th - Translating Jack as he shared before and after his performance.

Nov 15th - It was raining all day long, we left church 8:30 am and got back 12:30 am, it rained all day long and all of us was soaking wet!

Nov 15 th- We were alowed to sell "barbecue" to fundraise! It was very hard with all the rain!!!

Nov 15th - Pastor William and Wellington barbecued all they long, didn´t complain and had a lot of fun together!

Nov 19th - Secular Event that different RM segments was invited to perform, here Capoeira doing a great job!!!

Nov 19th - Pastor Antonio pouring out his heart as we sang and played!

Nov 19th - Cartel SP and Minister Jack performing one song together, Portuguese and English! Awesome!

Nov 19th - What a huge responsability translate what the person is sharing from his heart! Oh Lord mercy on me! Jack shared a little bit of his testimony and God´s love!

Nov 19th - Wellington doesn´t allows me to sing at RM choir (I don´t know why, I don´t think I sing that bad...), at least Pastor Heider let me "pretend" I played the keyboard...hahaha

Nov 19th - RM Choir performed and had the audience go crazy! It was a lot fun!

Nov 19th - So cute to see Italia playing! Praise God for his life!

Nov 19th - Special firend played with us that day: Our dear friend Jonatas!!!
Thanks so much for all your encourgament and prauyers! Keep praying!!! God bless you!

quarta-feira, novembro 09, 2011

Prayers Request...

It´s been a while I don´t post anything...I´ve been very busy with so much going on...I tend to post just big things and send newsletters...but a friend of mine told me I should post day by day stuff so people know what is going on and know how to pray! it goes a little of what is going on...Getting ready for Christmas, I´m leading the event "Christmas Sharing", finding 470 sponsors to give a pair of shoes, clothing and a toy for each one of the kids. I´m working with a group of 4 people from our church and a partner church, plus all the people who are helping each one of us, promoting this. Last year some American brothers joined us on this event, it was a blessing but this time, for several reasons and to amke easy for us, we are doing this with Brazilian people. But you can help us on prayers! Please pray to find each sponsor, pray as well for them, many aren´t christians and we are sharing Jesus with them through this. Also for us don´t worry and get stressed, to totally lean on God!

As you might know, I´m dating Wellington Barros.  We know each other for a long time, and we are looking forward to build a new family where Jesus is the center! Please join with us on prayers!

Hip Hop events..we will have 3 big events related to Hip Hop, (Nov 15, 18 and 19th) a north american brother, who is rapper is coming down to joing us, Jack. Him, our choir and our hip hop band will be performing. All of those involve evangelism and many youth from our church are getting read for this. Pastor William and Pastor Heider are leading the evangelism team.

This is the card we are giving to each sponsor with the picture of the child they are blessing!!!

We celebrated one month dating at MC Donalds! We were so exhausted (and starving) after a full day under hot sun (80F and dry) taking kids pictures for Christmas that MC Donalds was the closest and fastest place!

Thanks a lot for your prayers and support!! I will keep you posted through my blog about those events!!!

segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2011

I am in BRASIL! Back HOME!!!

I am back to Brazil, I can’t believe! First day was very strength but as the days goes I am finding it easier than I thought, I am sure it is your prayers for my easy adjustment back here!
A bunch of people came to the airport and had a big sign saying: Welcome to your reality, we love you! They were loud and made a big party at the airport, everyone else was looking to us! Yes WE ARE Brazilians! Afterwards couple people came to my home and I had breakfast with them! Later my father made a BIG family lunch, with a beautiful table set up and at night couple friends came over for a barbecue! I was able to witness at the bbq with some non-Chritians family friends! Praise God!
Last Saturday we had a traditional event named "Noite Black" where couple gospel choir performance and many non-Christians come to see! I felt home! I was praising in my native language, in the language I first learned to praise my God! That was so special! On Sunday was great being at MY dear church!
Enoy my back home pics! God bless you!

People at the airport waiting for us!

Huging my father!


my friend, Ariane!

Part of the crowd that came to pick us up at the aiport!

Fancy family lunch prepared by my father and chef, Carlinhos!

Braziian BBQ!!!!


People praying for me!!!

FEIJOADA! Brazilian dish!!!!

"Noite Black" - Marquinhos singing!

D´noite singing!

Pastor William pretending being a homeless among people and all of the sudden he get up and preach! That  was a good eye opening for us, we tend to judge and not pay attention when God bring people that are needing us, even when they are right there!

My dear friend, Isabel - she works at the computer lab!

A lot people came to the event!

They surprised Wellington and invited him to sing..he couldn´t help and cryed...that was a special moment!

quarta-feira, agosto 03, 2011


Countdown...8 days and I'll be back in Brazil! The last days are the hardest ones!!
I'm so happy for what God has done up here, He did amazing things that I didn't know! Please pray that the next couple days go smooth.

As most of you knows, I had a unexpected sirurgy, I had to take appendix out. It was a miracle how everything happened and God's hands was over the whole thing. I saw the doctor last Monday and he said I look good! He told me the recuperation would take 6 weeks and no lifting weight before it! It's been almost 3 weeks now!

Being away for so long from home and all the sirurgy thing made me very homesick!!! God bless you and Thanks for all your support and prayers!
A day before I get in the hospital, I was helping out with VBS at Oak Hills Church! Kids made a Brazilian chocolate dessert, brigadeiro!

Teaching a Portuguese children song in Portuguese for the kids at the VBS!
Visits at Home! Judy and Amanda!
More visits! Stefanie and her mom!

Evry Middleton made me a cake at Arts Camps! So cute!

More visitis, but this one is a special one, BRAZILIAN visit! Patricia!

Dear friends, Robert and Cathy, shared with Amy Middleton to take care of me after the hospital!

So spoiloed, breakfast outside!

Back to my life!!! (I was in pain that day!) Sharing at First Baptist of Aurburn!

Dear friends came to see us at FBA!

Lunch with Steve and Kim Clarson!

Becky and Patrina!!

Becky's family!

Becky's beautiful family!

My hospital experience with God and my friends!