God has provided for each single moment of this trip, and in each single moment He works in my life! It is being a wonderful experience, where I have experienced God's care in my life.
Tenho visto Deus trabalhar, tenho visto Ele trabalhar atraves de mim, e o mais importante,EM MIM.
I have seen God at work, I have seen He working through me, and the most importan, IN ME.
Deus colocou uma mulher na minha vida aqui, Jeng Juan, ela me convidou para ficar na casa dela por uns dias e eu tenho aprendido muito com ela. Ela eh ma bencao, uma mulher de Deus. Ela me levou para participar de uma conferencia de lideranca em uma das mais belas praias das Filipinas! Boracay.
God put a woman in my life here, Jeng Juan, she invited me to stay with her for couple days and I have learned a lot with her. She is a blessing, a godly woman. She took me to joing in a leadership conferenc in one of the most beautiful beaches in Philipines! Boracay.Eu coloquei as fotos no orkut e facebook, soh voce vendo pra me entender, eu fiquei maravilhada de ver Deus me levando a um lugar tao bonito quanto aquele. Ele eh fiel! Ele usa todas as maneiras possiveis para trabalhar em nosso carater e sermos seres humanos melhores, como Cristo.
I posted pictures @ okut and facebook, only you seeing it to understand me, I was marveled to see God taking me in such beautiful place like that. He is faithful! He uses all ways its is possible to work in our caracther for us to be better human beings, like Christ.
Eu agradeco a Deus por essa experiencia e por poder compartilhar ela com voce!
I thank God for this experience and for sharing it with you!
Deus te abencoe! God bless you!
A Servico D'Ele, Tati
In His Service, Tati